Nature adapts to change through genetic diversity. Our habitat can only adjust to climate change if we help it maintain its genetic diversity
Neighborhood Nurseries and learning to save seeds can supply our habitat with plants adapted to our specific climate at no cost.
Other roles we encourage are:
Designers - When a customer selects a particular arrangement of plants as the template for their garden the designer of that arrangement receives a royalty.
Contractors - When a customer decides to install a forest island they will hire a contractor who will price out the materials, arrange for deliveries and labor, and supervise installation.
Laborers - Co-op members with experience building deep mulch gardens and planting in the deep mulch.
Sales - Co-op members who receive a commission for bringing new customers to the co-op.
Plant Propagators - People who grow the plants.
Land Owners - People can contribute land they own to host the plants the Propagators are growing out. Perhaps a flat rate per plant sold would be an appropriate compensation.
Many of you have heard of the concept of a food forest but, since we are on the high plains, it is best to think of these as forest islands. A forest island is the ideal solution to many suburban landscaping issues. We use a deep mulch of logs and wood chips, up to 24" deep that will create its own soil, requires no fertilizers, no weeding . . .