To Reinhabit Our Place in the World
Life* is ready to teach you how to reinhabit the place where you live.
As individuals we are alone and vulnerable in a dangerous world.
When we embed ourselves in the pattern of interactions among the living things around us we belong to a community that provides for all of its participants.
An Organization to Carry Us into the Future
We all need food, shelter, learning, healthy belonging, and purpose. Reinhabit is a cooperative structure for us to create these things for ourselves. There are three ideas that we are taking from brilliant thinkers to achieve this lofty goal.
Deep Mulch Garden Details
We treat no plant as a weed because we value every plant’s contribution to quorum sensing and the liquid carbon pathway. We treat no insect as a pest because we value every insect’s role in supplying food for the predator insects and birds that are protecting our plants. We cannot have lady beetles unless we grow aphids to feed them.
A guild to support a semi-dwarf apple tree.
An exercise in selecting plants to support each other in a guild.
Living in Place
When I read descriptions of enlightenment – realizing oneness and releasing desire – I sometimes think it must be like living in place - to fit fully and completely within the forces playing out around and through us. But those descriptions seem to make the enlightened solely observers – living in the moment. Compared to living in place, it is a abdication of responsibility to interact – to create place as you are created by it.
The Dance of Creation: Four Aspects of the Foundation of Existence
We humans have forgotten the steps for the role we used to play in this dance. When we began to learn new things we forgot how we need the other dancers. Now we step on toes and drive other dancers out of the dance. Every time we drive a dancer out we make the dance more shallow and more tiresome.
A Garden for Our Great Grandchildren
Here is the question. Do you want you great grandchildren to be living in a biological desert? That is the direction we are heading. Or, do you want you great grandchildren to be living in a beautiful garden? That may be easier than you think.
Practical Holism
In Practical Holism we learn to recognize the flows through the system and how they are affected by human choices. We all build bridges to direct the flows, the best we can, for our own purposes, but alone we are separate and vulnerable in a dangerous world.
Three Dimensional Understanding
The first dimension is what everyone does - seeking out bridges to meet our individual needs. When we understand the world from the point of view of our individual needs we consider it to be a 1st dimensional understanding of system function.